The Glock 17 has earned a stellar reputation among shooters worldwide. It is a reliable, simple handgun that is easy to maintain. It is also extremely durable. Gaston Glock designed his first pistol in 1973 when the Austrian army was looking for a new sidearm to replace their Walther P38s. Despite having no previous firearms experience, his gun became their choice.
The Story of the Glock 17
The Glock 17 became a household name when it was featured in Die Hard 2, and is a popular firearm amongst many action heroes. It has also made an appearance in a number of other movies and video games. The pistol has gained a reputation for being a reliable, easy-to-use weapon.
Inventor Gaston Glock had no prior experience with gun design, but used his expertise in advanced synthetic polymers to create a simple pistol that could compete in the Austrian military pistol trials to replace the aging Walther P38. The Glock was a top performer in government tests, gaining international recognition and popularity.
The Glock’s polymer frame was a groundbreaking innovation in the handgun world. At the time, it was thought that the plastic frame would make the gun undetectable to airport metal detectors.
It’s Reliable
Glock pistols are so reliable that they have earned a reputation as almost indestructible. The company’s founder, Gaston Glock, worked with a team of handgun engineers and professional shooters to create his striker-fired pistol. He named it the G17 because it was his 17th patent.
G17s are reliable enough that they have been employed in several major terrorist attacks and are used by police departments worldwide. The pistols are also popular in pop culture and have become the weapon of choice for action heroes.
If you want to buy a new Glock, be prepared to spend some money. However, these guns retain their value and are a good investment for many shooters. In addition, the G17 is affordable to maintain compared to more traditional designs.
It’s Easy to Maintain
Glocks are incredibly easy to maintain because they use few moving parts and require minimal lubrication. They are also extremely durable. Those who use their firearms for self-defense know that regular maintenance is essential to keep them in good condition.
For those who want to customize their Glock for home defense or target shooting, there are many different backstrap sizes and other grip customizations. Additionally, the Gen 4 and Gen 5 models of the Glock 17 come with a precision machined slide mount for popular red dot optics. Red dots are popular for target shooting and help shooters self-diagnose aiming issues like flinches.
Many people use their firearms for recreation, and the Glock 17 is a favorite for first-person shooter video games like Call of Duty, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six. The pistol is also a common sight in movies and television shows.
It’s Versatile
Glock pistols are a staple in police and military armories around the world, but they’re also a favorite of private citizens. They’re durable and reliable, and they can withstand the elements, shock, caustic liquids, and temperature extremes that would warm and brittle steel guns.
Gaston Glock didn’t have a background in gun design when he began developing his first handgun in the 1980s. Instead, he relied on his background in advanced synthetic polymers and gathered a team of experts to help him create the perfect handgun for law enforcement and military personnel.
The Glock 17 can be customized to fit the user’s needs. It can be fitted with ambidextrous backstraps to accommodate shooters with larger hands, and it’s available in a variety of finishes.
It’s Affordable
The Glock 17 is still a popular choice for concealed carry as it can be easily worn in an IWB or Appendix IWB position. It also has multiple variants including the compact and subcompact models. The Glock 17 also has a range of accessory rails and can be equipped with various red dot optics.
In the end, there is one main reason that the Glock 17 has remained so popular over the decades – it works. It is reliable and rugged.
Wrapping It Up
It’s a gun that is trusted by the police and military and used for everyday carry. It is also popular among competition shooters and people that are looking for a simple handgun to use for home defense and target shooting. It is the pistol that all other polymer framed striker-fired handguns are compared against, even those trying to claim to be a “Glock killer”. The Glock 17 continues to improve through careful updates.